[tex-live] Asymptote binary is not universal darwin

enrico.gregorio at univr.it enrico.gregorio at univr.it
Wed Sep 30 12:08:36 CEST 2009

After this morning update, the executable for asymptote is not a 
universal binary on Mac OS X; here's some output.

% tlmgr show asymptote.universal-darwin --list
package:    asymptote.universal-darwin
category:   TLCore
shortdesc:  universal-darwin files of asymptote
installed:  Yes
revision:   15244
Included files, by type:
bin files (all architectures):

% file `which asy`
/usr/texbin/asy: Mach-O executable i386

% file `which pdftex`
/usr/texbin/pdftex: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/usr/texbin/pdftex (for architecture i386):	Mach-O executable i386
/usr/texbin/pdftex (for architecture ppc):	Mach-O executable ppc

Enrico Gregorio          + Dipartimento di Informatica          + Tel: +39 045 8027937
Enrico.Gregorio at univr.it + Università degli Studi di Verona     +
(gregorio at math.unipd.it) + Strada le Grazie 15 / I-37134 Verona + Fax: +39 045 8027928

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