[tex-live] mpost output file name

Taco Hoekwater taco at elvenkind.com
Wed Sep 30 09:50:49 CEST 2009


Akira Kakuto wrote:
>> Forwarding (with babelfish in action) a report from fctt about the mpost in TL'09.
>> With foo.bar.mp as input, current mpost (version 1.207) use foo.1 as output
>> file, while, reportedly, previous versions used to pick foo.bar.1.
>> Is this new behaviour intended?
> It seems to be intended. 

Much more an oversight than intentional (I had simply forgotten the break
statement). I will definately apply this upstream, but I don't know about
releasing 1.208 and rebuilding TL.. Karl??

Best wishes,
(who also believes that multiple dots in filenames are a bad idea)

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