[tex-live] TeX Live Manager update does work because of obsoleted records in tlpdb

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Wed Sep 23 20:48:04 CEST 2009

Hi Peter,

On Mi, 23 Sep 2009, Peter Cibulka wrote:
> I have thought that CTAN package updates are independent of initial TeX Live installation ... 
> My mistake. Number 2008 is included in the source path ... 
> It means that I can't achieve TL'09 by automatic updates of TL'08. Periodic DVD installation is still necessary ... 

Yes, there is no upgrade path from TL2008 to TL2009, too many core
things have changed. And we don't have neither the time nor the 
possibility to update the TL2008 and 2009 repositories in parallel.

Still we hope that for TL2009 -> TL2010 a direct upgrade will be possible,
but for 2008 -> 2009 it wasn't possible.

> Moreover I can't rely on TeX Live Manager updates because I don't know if tlpdb is up to date ... 

This one I don't understand. the tlpdb is *NOT* a reflection of what is
ther  on CTAN, but what is in this specific repository.

> I will wait for the TL'09 official release and in the meantime I will install packages to texmf-local. 
> ... and after sucessfull TL'09 installation I will have to delete them ... :-( 

Yes, you should delete them.

Or think twice, do you *really*really* need always the latest version of

BTW, TL2009 is already quite finished, we are expecting only documentaiton
updates, so it is probably quite safe to install TL2009 already now.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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