[tex-live] KPathSea library: include files and libraries

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 07:13:28 CEST 2009

2009/9/18 Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>:
> On Fr, 18 Sep 2009, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
>> Is there package with kpathsea include files (*.h) and libraries (*.a
>> or *.so) in TL2009?
> No.
> You need to compile it from the sources and install the .a (or if build
> shared the .so) file plus the header.
Yes, I expected that.
> Which OS are you on? Maybe your OS provides libkpathsea and -dev?
I use several Linux distro: Slamd64, Archlinux (x86_64), Ubuntu 9.04
(i686, x86_64).

AFAIK, only Fedora and Archlinux have TL2009 in their testing
repositories but TL 2007 is installed by default.

I see two possible ways to compile dvisvgm: 1) compile ONLY kpathsea
from texlive source
2) integrate kpathsea library into dvisvgm as xdvik do.

Thanks for explanation and confirming by suggestions.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

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