[tex-live] TeXLive Changelog

Jobst Hoffmann j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de
Sat Sep 19 11:01:45 CEST 2009


I'm wondering, if there's a publicly available Changelog. After an
update of TL09, there are new entries in tlmgr.log of the form 

auto-install new: answers (15323)


update: siunitx (14678 -> 15320)

For one side it is good to know that I'm working with an up-to-date
installation, but for the other it is of great interest for me as an
user of these packages, why the update or auto-install happened. I
believe, that you as maintainers write these informations as
log-messages into the the repositories. Is it possible to make these
informations available by a tlmgr option?

Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann            Tel:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich   Fax:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09                      email: j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de

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