[tex-live] New version of ifplatform

Ken Brown kbrow1i at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 17:13:54 CEST 2009

On 9/9/2009 11:09 AM, Joseph Wright wrote:
> Ken Brown wrote:
>> I didn't follow any of the earlier discussion of the ifplatform package,
>> but I'm curious why you would want it to return "Windows" as the
>> platform type when a user is running latex under cygwin.  Cygwin tries
>> to emulate linux as much as possible, and the cygwin binaries for
>> texlive were compiled in this spirit.  So I, as a cygwin user, would
>> expect ifplatform to report a *NIX platform, and I would expect
>> \platformname to return "Cygwin".
> It's more about getting Windows (i.e. TeX Live or MiKTeX as direct
> Windows binaries) right reliably.

In that case, ifplatform should not report "Windows" if a user is 
running the TeX Live cygwin binaries.


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