[tex-live] tlmgr update question

Michel Goossens Michel.Goossens at cern.ch
Fri Oct 30 11:24:53 CET 2009

I am running on Linux and today (30 October 2009) I used rsync to get the latest archive of texlive with the command:

> rsync -vr --exclude=2008 --exclude=mactex* rsync://ftp.klid.dk/texlive-tlnet/ /home/goossens/save/texlive/2009

In the directory home/goossens/save/texlive/2009 I then untarred the file install-tl-unx.tar.gz as follows:

> tar zxvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz

This installed the directory tree install-tl-20091026. I go inside that directory and run the install script asking to use the archive directory (previously filled using rsync, see above):

> cd install-tl-20091026
> ./install-tl -repository /home/goossens/save/texlive/2009

This installs texlive correctly below /home/goossens/save/texlive/2009.
Then to want to test the texlive manager program, tlmgr. I ask it to use the local archive and give me a list of packages to update (I expect none since I just installed everything from the sources in the archive). However, tlmgr seems to have an incompatibility problem, as I get the message shown below:

> export PATH=/home/goossens/save/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux:$PATH
> tlmgr update --repository /home/goossens/save/texlive/2009 --list
tlmgr: package repository /mnt/data1/goossens/save/texlive/2009
The release version of the installation source and the installation media do not agree: source: , media: 2009
Please fix your location /mnt/data1/goossens/save/texlive/2009 at /home/goossens/save/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux/tlmgr line 3929.

What am I doing wrong?

Note that I want to install texlive on several systems, and update them afterwards. Hence I prefer to have a local archive and then install from there, rather than run for each system from the internet.

Thanks for your help. Michel Goossens/CERN

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