[tex-live] Outstanding issues

Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard mpg at elzevir.fr
Mon Oct 12 18:58:04 CEST 2009

Philip TAYLOR a écrit :
> 1) The label for the field is "Default package repository", not
>  "Currently used respository", so I would expect that if I used
>   the "Change" field for the "Default package repository" then
>   the value shewn against the latter would change.
Maybe there was a misunderstanding. I thought you were reporting that the value
at the top of the window (near the "change" and "load" buttons) didn't change.

Here with tlmgr gui on linux, it works. I'll test on windows later. Can you
please describe the precise way to reproduce the problem (it may depend on how
you select/write/click things, if it is again a Tk bug).

> 2) If I change the "Current package repository" using its
>  "Change" button, then still the field labelled "Default
>   package repository" does not change.
This is intended. One may want to change the package repository just for one
session while keeping the default for future session. It's why one of them is
called "current" and the other "default" :-)

> So I would argue that whilst these may well be design
> features, they are highly counter-intuitive,

Point 1 is a bug, if I (finally) understood your description correctly.

Point 0 (the fact that changing the default repo doesn't immediately change the
current repo, ie what I understood in your previous mail) is a design decision.
I can see pros and cons about this one, I'm not sure the converse would be very
intuitive either.

Point 2 is a design decision, and I'm quite surprised you find it
counter-intuitive. Could you please elaborate?

> Incidentally, just in case it is terminology that is
> causing confusion, it is the values displayed in the
> "Configuration" tab under "Default settings" to which
> I refer.
Thanks for this clarification.


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