[tex-live] Behaviour of "kpsewhich -expand-var" changed

Markus Kohm markus.kohm at gmx.de
Sun Nov 29 12:39:47 CET 2009

Norbert Preining wrote:
> And?

Nothing if the change was intended. Opportunity to decide wether the change is 
a feature or bug if it wasn't intended.

>As you are not interested in cooperation I don't think any further
> discussion is needed.

A few month ago I was able to cooperate with some of the TeX Live team using a 
intermediator. Because of this I thought I could just send or forward a simple 
report without any valuation. Sorry that I thought, that after month you would 
be able at least to ignore a hand instead of beating it. Norbert, didn't you 
told me, that you'll put me into your mail filter? Why did you even send me a 
second hate mail not shown on the list?

So please tell me: Is the team interested in confrontation like Nobert or is 
it at least interested in silent toleration? Should I send and forward reports 
or not?

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