[tex-live] please clarify tlmgr generate

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu Nov 5 23:53:30 CET 2009

    Can someone please clarify the following sentence in the man page for tlmgr?
    This refers to the `generate updmap` action, but I can't figure out what
    it's supposed to mean.

    "For "updmap", however, "tlmgr" use "generate", because the result would be
    to disable all maps which have been manually installed via "updmap-sys
    --enable", e.g., for proprietary or local fonts."

There's a missing "does not" before "use".  I'll fix it after the release.

To restate:

- on update/add of a relevant package, tlmgr calls generate
  fmtutil and generate language.

- in contrast, tlmgr does not call generate updmap when a font package
  changes, because then any intervening user runs of the updmap-sys
  script would get obliterated.

Hope that makes more sense.

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