[tex-live] Bug#528493: texlive-base: apalike.sty missing

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu May 21 01:41:03 CEST 2009

    but apalike.sty is not in TL 2008

Or in any previous release.  I am a bit amazed that this has not been
noticed before.  Guess everyone was still using teTeX (which had the
germbib version installed), and/or uses natbib.

The germbib version is available in TL'07 (and subsequent) in
doc/bibtex/germbib/apalike.germbib_sty, specifically to avoid conflict
with the (heretofore uninstalled) standard one.

Now I have installed all the standard apalike files from
CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/apalike, so the conflict actually exists :).
We now have:
(I also removed apalike.bst from bibtex/bst/base.)

    one looks newer by the file date (and it uses \refname and \bibname
    instead of hardcoded strings):

Which is clearly desirable.  I have written to Oren about it.

Robin/CTAN: as far as I can see, apalike2.bst is not anything Oren did;
it's a modification by one Brian Reiser.  I suggest moving it to a
different directory, such as biblio/bibtex/contrib/apalike2.


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