[tex-live] Hoekwater koeieletters/koeielogos

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Freenet.DE
Sun Mar 1 20:20:14 CET 2009

Am 01.03.2009 um 19:55 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:

> Am 01.03.2009 um 19:49 schrieb Peter Dyballa:
>>> The cow fonts are part of ConTeXt.
>> And ConTeXt is not part of TeX Live 2008?
> ConTeXt is part of TeX Live 2008 but had you installed it on your  
> system?

 From  /usr/local/texlive/2008/install-tl.log:

	Installing: context
	Installing: context-account
	Installing: context-bnf
	Installing: context-chromato
	Installing: context-construction-plan
	Installing: context-degrade
	Installing: context-french
	Installing: context-letter
	Installing: context-lettrine
	Installing: context-lilypond
	Installing: context-mathsets
	Installing: context-taspresent
	Installing: context-typearea
	Installing: context-vim

Tlmgr lists:

	i bin-context: The ConTeXt macro package.
	i bin-context.universal-darwin: binary files of bin-context for  
	i collection-context: ConTeXt format
	i context: The ConTeXt macro package.
	i context-account: A simple accounting package.
	i context-bnf: A BNF module for Context.
	i context-chromato: ConTeXt macros for chromatograms.
	i context-construction-plan: Construction plans in ConTeXt.
	i context-degrade: Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt.
	i context-french: Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt.
	i context-games: (shortdesc missing)
	i context-gnuplot: (shortdesc missing)
	i context-letter: Context package for writing letters.
	i context-lettrine: (shortdesc missing)
	i context-lilypond: Lilypond code in ConTeXt.
	i context-mathsets: Set notation in ConTeXt.
	i context-taspresent: Simple presentations using Context.
	i context-typearea: Something like Koma-Script typearea.
	i context-vim: Generate Context syntax highlighting code from vim.
	i csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities.
	i maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context.

Something missing? I admit, I did not think and examine enough all  
ConTeXt related packages, I just chose ConTeXt. Anyway, why is a MAP  
file fragment installed when the font files aren't? It obviously  
belongs into the font files package.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.
				– Oscar Wilde

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