[tex-live] installation with network troubles

Martin Schröder martin at oneiros.de
Sun Jun 28 19:57:36 CEST 2009

2009/6/28, Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha at web.de>:
>   > Yes. How is this relevant to the TL network installer?
> Some of the servers which provide Gentoo, also provide TeX Live
>  (Muenster, Aachen).  And Gentoo also uses wget.  I'm wondering why
>  people have problems installing TeX Live while I regularly use the
>  same technology to update my system.

Because none of these try to download 2k packages?

>   1. Do you remember what actually caused the problem?  A login
>      failure or some interruption during the download?

Some network problem or a hiccup of the server.

>   2. Did the installer download all packages again or did it use the
>      packages which had been downloaded already?

Please reread my first mail.


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