[tex-live] tlmgr restarts and exits with error

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Tue Jul 28 16:33:52 CEST 2009

On Jul 28, 2009, at 3:32 AM, T T wrote:

> 2009/7/28 Adam R. Maxwell <amaxwell at mac.com>:
>> My 2009 installation at work (also via MacTeX) wasn't doing this  
>> earlier
>> today, so I suspect it's the latest tlmgr...unless I broke  
>> something else?
> No, not you, probably we did. We introduced auto-restart of tlmgr
> after critical updates but it shouldn't be triggered in this case. I
> disabled it (r.14479) until we figure out what's wrong. Thanks for the
> report.

Okay.  I always use tlmgr-update-latest.sh for infra updates, since I  
had too many cases of tlmgr breaking after updating itself.

>> BTW, there is no such directory /Users/koch on my system
> But it used to be the original source of installation, right?

I believe so.  It's still the default installation location, too, as  
another poster found.  I always pass --location explicitly, so haven't  
noticed that.

froude:tmp amaxwell$ tlmgr option
Destination for symlinks for man pages (sys_man): /usr/local/man
Default installation location (location): /Users/koch/texlive2009/Master
Destination for symlinks for info docs (sys_info): /usr/local/info
Run postinst code blobs (postcode): 1
Create formats on installation (formats): 1
Install source files (srcfiles): 1
Install documentation files (docfiles): 1
Destination for symlinks for binaries (sys_bin): /usr/local/bin

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