[tex-live] texlive 2009 installation

Bernhard Kleine bernhard.kleine at gmx.net
Sat Jul 25 15:15:41 CEST 2009

Am Samstag, den 25.07.2009, 13:12 +0200 schrieb Zdenek Wagner:
> 2009/7/25 Bernhard Kleine <bernhard.kleine at gmx.net>:
> > Good morning, everybody!
> >
> > I installed tl2009 smoothly. However, when I now start tlmgr --gui,
> > obviously the 2008 version is called. Only by starting tlmgr from the
> > freshly installed directory:
> >
> > /usr/local/share/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux# ./tlmgr --gui
> >
> > the tl2009 is started. Is this intentionally? What shall I do to get all the links to 2009
> > instead of 2008?
> The best way is not to use links at all but put the right bin path at
> the beginning of your PATH. That way you can easily switch between
> several TL versions. For instance, you can do
> PATH=/usr/local/share/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux:$PATH pdftex ...
> just to test something with pdftex from TL 2009 but still keep TL 2008
> for your regular work.
> > --
> > Bernhard Kleine <bernhard.kleine at gmx.net>
> >
I can not recommend your proposal. Given the fact that tlmgr --gui has
in the configuration tap the entries "update symbolic links" and "remove
symbolic links", why not use them. I found them only after i had solved
the issue manually using the two command provided for by Stephan (Thanks
a lot!!). Furthermore, it is far from safe to assume that every linux
user is able to add and remove additional directories to the Path
variable without creating havoc.

Therefore, the tlmgr way of doing is recommended.

Bernhard Kleine <bernhard.kleine at gmx.net>
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