[tex-live] TeXLive 2009 and asmptote

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Jul 14 00:58:04 CEST 2009

    asy: error while loading shared libraries: libglut.so.3: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory

As expected, any given set of shared libraries is too old for some
people and too new for others :(.  There is no way to make an asy binary
for i386-linux that will work universally.  Some users will have to
acquire it via their distro, or asymptote.sf.net, or recompile it from
source, of whatever.

This is an unsolvable problem in general (and not just for asy).

    Is it possible that this can be fixed 

The OpenGL support is included by default because the Asymptote
developers and users said it was important to have (though not 100%
necessary).  Therefore, I don't want to drop it.

    or perhaps you could include libglut
    library in TeXLive by default?

No.  That would be a tremendous time sink; OpenGL is huge, with many
dependencies of its own.  We can't do it.

    another question, can you also please include teckit program in TeXLive

If you mean teckit_compile, it is included now on i386-linux and others.
As people recompile platforms (I continue to wait for a couple more
changes to come in), it will be available throughout.


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