[tex-live] pretest: texdoc problem

Philipp Stephani st_philipp at yahoo.de
Mon Jul 6 11:30:20 CEST 2009

Uwe Siart schrieb:
> Akira Kakuto <kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp> writes:
>> The CreateProcess() finds a file named "start" in the command PATH and
>> tries to execute the file, failing with the error code 193.
> You hit the bull's eye. On my path I have the file
> "c:\Programme\msys\bin\start" with content
> ,----
> | #!/bin/sh
> | # Copyright (C) 2002, Earnie Boyd
> | #   mailto:earnie at users.sf.net
> | # This file is part of Minimal SYStem.
> | #   http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml
> | # File: start
> | 
> | cmd //c start "$@"
> `----
> texdoc works as soon as I rename this file.
> Just wonder why the same does not interfere with TL2008. Position in
> $PATH is the same. I just move "2009" to "2008".

Very weird. system() on Windows does little more than 'cmd /c cmdline'.
So if it ignores your start program on the command line, it should do
the same when called by system(). The TL2008 texdoc.tlu uses 'start ""',
too, so that should not make a difference.
BTW, on Linux, the script should try the generic opening commands
xdg-open, gnome-open and kfmclient exec first.

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