[tex-live] How about auto-download of classes/styles etc. ?

Martin Schröder martin at oneiros.de
Mon Oct 13 11:05:42 CEST 2008

2008/10/13 Ulrike Fischer <news2 at nililand.de>:
> You are overcomplicating things. Miktex has such an on-the-fly
> installation for years: If a file is missing and miktex knows through
> its database in which package it is it can install it during
> installation. It doesn't do it against your wishes.  You can disable the
> on-the-fly installation completly, or you can setup things so that
> miktex asks you before each installation. In any case you simply get the
> newest version of the package -- like you would if you would install it
> manually from CTAN or through the package manager.

IIRC Thomas Esser years ago answered my question about a mechanism for
this in teTeX with "the hook is already there (maketex (?)), it just
needs an implementation". Now that we have a db, it shouldn't be hard
to add this.


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