[tex-live] Installing on Linux for use on both (Linux and Vista)

George N. White III gnwiii at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 18:32:48 CET 2008

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Andreas Hirsch <afj at gmx.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> At least I succeeded installing to linux with both binaries (Linux and
> win32).
> TeX works properly on Linux, my files in texmf-local are found if a
> compile using latex.
> I'v added the path to /bin/win32 on my Vista-PC and LaTeX works, but
> _does not find files in /texmf-local_
> Any hints?

Most likely sources of difficulty:

1.  latex is not looking for texmf-local where you put it
      a.  you put in the wrong place
      b.  something (environment variable) is making latex
           search elsewhere

     On linux:  kpsewhich --expand-var='$TEXMFLOCAL'.
     This may need different quoting on Vista.

2.  since this is Vista -- permission problems preventing
    latex from accessing the texmf-local directory.

The list archives have examples related to 1. above, for 2.
you may have to do some research.

Assuming you installed to <tldir>/2008 (on linux, the default is
<tldir>=/usr/local/texlive), then latex, etc., look for files in
<tldir>/texmf-local, but this can be changed in one of the
texmf.cnf files or (not recommended!) environment variables

You can use kpsewhich and related tools to debug such
problems.  Look for the kpathsea documentation:

$ texdoc -l kpathsea

look for: 3.5.3 Auxiliary tasks.

Linux has some more options:
$ man -M <tldir>/2008/texmf/doc/man kpsewhich
$ info <tldir>/2008/texmf/doc/info/kpathsea.info

George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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