[tex-live] I'd like to help !

Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard mpg at elzevir.fr
Thu Mar 27 22:34:57 CET 2008


First of all, I take the occasion to thank all the TeX Live team for its work,
since I've been using TeX Live for a few time, and it's just great. I
discovered the TeX world since only a few years, but now it has become sort of
part of may life, and I'd like to get more involved and help with the
development and maintenance.

(Maybe I should introduce myself a bit: I'm a French PhD student in pure
maths. I rapidly became fond of TeX and LaTeX, spending quite much time
discussing about it in fr.comp.text.tex. I also make some training courses on
LaTeX to other PhD students in my university, and recently wrote 2 and a half
LaTeX packages. Since I really can't keep doing (good) math for more than few
hours a day, I have spare time I like to spend (or part of it) TeXing around,
and why, not, helping in TeX live...)

I read the 'contribute' and 'pkgupdate' pages on tug.org/texlive, and I think
I could help on updating the packages from the CTAN, adding packages to the
automated system, and so on, if volunteers for theses tasks are still needing.
I would also like to help about documentation in general (esp. making it as
easily accessible as possible), as far as I can.

So if you think you could use my help, it would be a pleasure for me.


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