[tex-live] Bugs in install-tl for win32

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Thu Jun 26 01:27:08 CEST 2008

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Dan Luecking wrote:

> [...]
> 2. The install-tl set-up provides perl, wget and lzma. I have all three
> of those installed on my system as well as TeXLive 2007. Could any
> of those accidentally get invoked instead of the provided ones? If so,
> I could disable them temporarily and see if it makes a difference.

As I can recall from your previous mails, You are installing on windows.
I only suspect that TEXMFCNF env. variable set by TL2007 installer can 
mess the final steps of the TL2008 installer. perl, wget and lzmadec
are provided for TL2008 and they work internally, that is they are
not seen and available for other tasks.
On the other hand we had so many changes in the TL's structure last days,
so please start your testing again. Eg. 2-3 days ago I also encountered
missing language.us.def, but that was cured shortly.

All the best,

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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