[tex-live] vlna [was] testing TL'08

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Sun Jun 22 20:57:53 CEST 2008

On Sun, 22 Jun 2008, Zdenek Wagner wrote:

> 2008/6/14 Akira Kakuto <kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp>:
> > I'll remove vlna.exe. I think you had better install teckit_compile
> > on Unix.
> >
> Sorry for answering after such a long time. I think that removing
> vlna.exe will be sad for Czech and Slovak users. This program inserts
> nonbreakable spaces after nonsylabic prepositions. Linux users are
> able to comple it from sources, most Windows users are not able to
> compile it. A few months ago t was decided to provide vlna executables
> for all platforms. In the meantime I found a few minutes to finish
> documentation and add a license to encxvlna, which is its
> implementation in encTeX, and upload it to CTAN.

Hi Zdenek,

I found that it is no so nice idea to put such small program as vlna
which serves for one (or two) language into binaries for everybody.
For that reason I put some years ago small scripts/programs into 
support/polish/ (including scripts which are similar to vlna and eg.
polish extension to makeindex).
Well, you can even find support/vlna* (rather old!), so please update it.


Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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