[tex-live] language, lang, la (was: testing TL'08)

Leopold Palomo Avellaneda leo at alaxarxa.net
Mon Jun 16 00:28:10 CEST 2008

A Diumenge 15 Juny 2008, Norbert Preining va escriure:
> Only one remark concerning the language chaos:
> On Debian we got hundreds of complains about language pack contents, eg
> the location of Catalan, and Basque, etc etc etc.

and some bug report...

> I always react with: Please make a decent proposal how to distribute
> stuff and present it to tex-live at ..., and one guy even started, well, al
> least took a look into the package contents. But then that died out, as
> all the other times.

Norbert, it's not an easy thing. It's one on my pending tasks. This kind of 
little stone that you have in your shoe. 

The maintainers wants to have few packages and it's not possible to group many 
languages. Because it's impossible to fit with one sense rule all the 

> Still, it is a reasonable thing to think about, sometimes. If one here
> wants to really think about it it would be *great*.

To me, following a comunity spirit, tex-live should have a package for each 
language, so divide the files for all the languages. And this package (group 
of files, etc) maintained by a tex lug , the texlug of its language. If a 
comunity doesn't have any people to maintain its own language, that language 
was unmaintained and will disappear. The i18n teams work in that way. Do you 
want to have your language, ok do it. But I don't know if there's some 
infrastructure to do it or if tex-live is prepared for it.

But, it's not an easy thing ....



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