[tex-live] various nosell packages

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Jan 25 18:29:06 CET 2008

I kept these two, as discussed:
            bera		Bera fonts
            mltex		The MLTeX system

I didn't see any license statement one way or another in this one,
except that mn2e.bst was "extensively modified" from astron and apalike,
which presumably means it keeps the same (free) license.  Hmm.
            mnras		Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

All of the following are now gone from TL; I confirmed there were
explicit nosell statements present:
	calendar	A package for calendars and timetables
	cheq		Adobe chess font
	deleq		Flexible numbering of equations
	dropping	Drop first letter of paragraphs
	floatflt	Wrap text around floats
	morse		Support for printing Morse code signs
	ocr-a		Fonts for OCR-A
	oxford		A BibTeX style geared for use in the humanities
	psfig		A graphics inclusion package
	realcalc	Macros for real arithmetic calculations
	sae		Typeset an SAE technical paper

I see there are a few more in TL whose Catalogue license is
"nocommercial".  Will look into those soon.


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