[tex-live] Running Live - no access to C drive

Siep Kroonenberg siepo at cybercomm.nl
Thu Mar 15 13:15:31 CET 2007

On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 01:05:19PM +0100, Siep Kroonenberg wrote:
> WARNING: This e-mail has been altered by MIMEDefang.  Following this
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> Daimi virus/spamfilter <postmaster at daimi.au.dk>.  For more information about MIMEDefang, see:
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> An attachment named tl_start.vbs was removed from this document as it
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Here is the script in-line:

' Prepare a Windows system for running TeX Live from dvd.
' This involves adding or changing some user environment variables
' and placing some files under %USERPROFILE%.

Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim bTlOnPath, sTLroot, sTLrootSl, sTLrootBin, sTLmain, sTLocal
Dim bGsOnPath, bGsFound, nGsVersion, sGsRoot, sGsRootParent
Dim bPerlOnPath
Dim i, j, k, l, m, n, sTemp, sTemp2, oFile

' load necessary functionality

Dim oWsh, oFS
Set oWsh = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' functions and subroutines ''''''''''''''''''''

' Backslashes

Function Bsl( s )
  Bsl = Replace( s, "/", "\" )
End Function

Function AddBsl(sDir)
  Dim sTmp
  sTmp = Bsl( sDir )
  If Right( sTmp, 1 ) = "\" Then
    AddBsl = sTmp
    AddBsl = sTmp & "\"
  End If
End Function

Function RemoveSl(sDir)
  If ( Right( sDir, 1 ) = "\" ) or ( Right( sDir, 1 ) = "/" ) Then
    RemoveSl = Left( sDir, len( sDir ) - 1 )
    RemoveSl = sDir
  End If
End Function

' convert Ghostscript versions from and to
' an integer between 800 and 999

Function num2version (i)
  Dim numstr
  numstr = CStr( i )
  num2version = left( numstr, 1 ) & "." & right( numstr, 2 )
End Function

' search a program on the searchpath

Dim PathHelp
PathHelp = vbNewLine & _
  "You can edit the search path as follows:" & vbNewLine & _
  "right-click My Computer, choose Properties, Advance Tab," _
  & vbNewLine & _
  "Environment Variables button, and edit the Path entries" & _
  " in either pane." & vbNewLine & _
  "The top pane may not have a path entry but you may create one for it." _
  & vbNewLine & _
  "The bottom (system) path entry has priority over the top (user) one."

Function FindOnPath( s )
  Dim paths, d, tmp
  paths = Split( oWsh.expandenvironmentstrings( "%path%" ), ";", -1 )
  FindOnPath = ""
  For Each d in paths
    tmp = AddBsl( d )
    If oFS.FileExists( tmp & s ) Then
      FindOnPath = tmp
      Exit For
    End If
End Function

' create a folder if it doesn't exist.
' bail out if the folder doesn't exist and can't be created.

sub CreateTry( sFolder )
  If Not oFS.FolderExists( sFolder ) Then
    oFS.CreateFolder( sFolder )
    If Not oFS.FolderExists( sFolder ) Then
      MsgBox "Cannot create " & sFolder & "; aborting..."
      WScript.Quit( 1 )
    End If
  End If
End Sub

' where are we? ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

sTemp = Wscript.ScriptFullName
sTLroot = oFS.GetParentFolderName( sTemp )
sTLrootSl = AddBsl(sTLroot)
sTLrootBin = sTLrootSl & "bin\win32"

' diagnostics '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

' check path for conflicting TeX

bTlOnPath = False

sTemp = ""
sTemp = FindOnPath( "pdftex.exe" )
If ( sTemp <> "" ) Then
  ' WARNING: the test below does not take short names into account!
  If UCase( AddBsl( sTemp ) ) <> UCase( sTLrootBin & "\" ) Then
    Wscript.Echo "Found another TeX in " & sTemp & ";" & vbNewLine & _
    "Please uninstall this TeX or remove it from your search path." _
    & vbNewLine & PathHelp
    Wscript.Quit( 1 )
    bTlOnPath = True
  End If
End If

' Find Ghostscript

' Ghostscript on path?

bGsFound = False
bGsOnPath = False
sGsRoot = ""
sGsRootParent = ""

sTemp = FindOnPath( "gswin32c.exe" )
If sTemp <> "" Then
  ' root of this version
  sTemp = RemoveSl( sTemp )
  sGsRoot = RemoveSl( oFS.GetParentFolderName( RemoveSl( sTemp ) ) )
  sGsRootParent = RemoveSl(oFS.GetParentFolderName( sGsRoot ) )
  bGsFound = True
  bGsOnPath = True
End If

' if not, check registry.
' Have to do some guessing here.
' First try most attractive options

nGsVersion = 0

if Not bGsFound Then
  For l = 999 to 800 step -1
    For Each k in Array( "HKCU", "HKLM" )
      For Each i in Array( "GPL", "GNU", "AFPL", "ESP" )
        sTemp = oWsh.RegRead( _
             k & "\software\" & i & " Ghostscript\" _
          & num2version( l ) & "\GS_DLL" )
        If ( Not Err ) and ( sTemp <> "" ) Then
          sGsRoot = left( sTemp, _
            len( sTemp ) - len( "\bin\gsdll32.dll" ) )
          sGsRootParent = _
            RemoveSl(oFS.GetParentFolderName( sGsRoot ) )
          nGsVersion = l
          bGsFound = True
          Exit For
        End If
      If nGsVersion > 0 Then Exit For
    If nGsVersion > 0 Then Exit For
  If not bGsFound Then
    Wscript.Echo "No Ghostscript found." & vbNewLine & _
       "Please run the Ghostscript " _
      & "installer " & sTlRootSl & "support\gs854w32-tl.zip first," _
      & vbNewLine & _
      "or, if you do have Ghostscript, add it to the search path." _
      & vbNewLine & PathHelp
    Wscript.Quit( 1 )
  End If
End If

' test for pre-installed Perl.

bPerlOnPath = False
sTemp = FindOnPath( "perl.exe" )
If ( sTemp <> "" ) and _
    ( UCase( AddBsl( sTemp ) ) <> UCase( sTLrootBin & "\" ) ) Then
  bPerlOnPath = True
End If

' create directories '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

sTLmain = AddBsl( oWsh.expandenvironmentstrings( "%USERPROFILE%" ) ) & _
sTLocal = AddBsl( oWsh.expandenvironmentstrings( "%USERPROFILE%" ) ) & _

CreateTry sTLmain
CreateTry sTLmain & "\texmf-var"
CreateTry sTLmain & "\texmf-var\web2c"

oFS.CopyFile sTLrootSl & "texmf\web2c\texmf.cnf-4WIN", _
  sTLmain & "\texmf-var\web2c\texmf.cnf"
oFS.CopyFile sTLrootSl & "texmf\web2c\fmtutil.cnf", _
  sTLmain & "\texmf-var\web2c\fmtutil.cnf"

CreateTry sTLmain & "\texmf-var\tex"
CreateTry sTLmain & "\texmf-var\tex\generic"
CreateTry sTLmain & "\texmf-var\tex\generic\config"

oFS.CopyFile sTLrootSl & "texmf\tex\generic\config\language.dat", _
  sTLmain & "\texmf-var\tex\generic\config\language.dat"

CreateTry sTLmain & "\temp"
CreateTry sTLocal
CreateTry sTLocal & "\doc"
CreateTry sTLocal & "\dvips"
CreateTry sTLocal & "\fonts"
CreateTry sTLocal & "\tex"

' additions to the search path '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

' Ghostscript and TeXLive are appended to the user searchpath,
' inasfar as necessary. A pre-installed Perl on the old path will
' automatically have priority.

sTemp = ""
If ( Not bTlOnPath ) Then
  sTemp = sTLrootBin
End If
If Not bGsOnPath Then
  If sTemp = "" Then
    sTemp = sGsRoot & "\bin"
    sTemp = sTemp & ";" & sGsRoot & "\bin"
  End If
End If
If Not sTemp = "" Then
  sTemp2 = oWsh.RegRead( "HKCU\environment\path" )
  If ( Not Err ) and ( sTemp2 <> "" ) Then
    sTemp = sTemp2 & ";" & sTemp
  End If
  If InStr( 1, sTemp, "%" ) > 0 Then
    oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\Environment\Path", sTemp, "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
    oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\Environment\Path", sTemp
  End If
End If

' other environment settings ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

' perl

If Not bPerlOnPath Then
  oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\PERL5LIB", sTLrootSl & _
    "perltl\lib;" & sTLrootSl & "perltl\site\lib"
End If

' Ghostscript; assume the usual Ghostscript directory layout

oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\GS_LIB", _
  sGsRoot & "\lib;" & sGsRootParent & "\fonts;" & _
  sGsRoot & "\Resource", "REG_SZ"
oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\GS_DLL", _
  sGsRoot & "\bin\gsdll32.dll", "REG_SZ"

' TeXLive env vars

oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\TEXMFCNF", _
  sTLmain & "\texmf-var\web2c"
oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\TEXMFTEMP", _
  sTLmain & "\temp"
oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\TEXMFVAR", _
  sTLmain & "\texmf-var"
oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\TEXMFLOCAL", _
oWsh.RegWrite "HKCU\environment\TLroot", sTLmain

' generate files

Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile( sTLmain & "\temp\tl_generate.bat" )
oFile.WriteLine( "@echo off" )
oFile.WriteLine( "path %path%;" & sTLrootSl & "bin\win32" )
oFile.WriteLine( "set TEXMFCNF=" & sTLmain & "\texmf-var\web2c" )
oFile.WriteLine( "set TEXMFTEMP=" & sTLmain & "\temp" )
oFile.WriteLine( "set TEXMFVAR=" & sTLmain & "\texmf-var" )
oFile.WriteLine( "set TEXMFLOCAL=" & sTLocal )
oFile.WriteLine( "set TLroot=" & sTLmain )
oFile.WriteLine( "mktexlsr" )
oFile.WriteLine( "updmap" )
oFile.WriteLine( "fmtutil --byfmt latex" )
'oFile.WriteLine( "fmtutil --all" )
oFile.WriteLine( "echo Done. Please re-login." )
oFile.WriteLine( "pause" )
oWsh.run """" & sTLmain & "\temp\tl_generate.bat" & """", 1, true
'oFS.deletefile( sTLmain & "\temp\tl_generate.bat" )

Siep Kroonenberg

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