[tex-live] TeX Live on NetBSD

Jukka Salmi j+tex-live at 2007.salmi.ch
Thu Jun 21 14:49:48 CEST 2007

Karl Berry --> tex-live (2007-06-20 17:16:53 -0500):
> If you like, we could put your binaries on the TL web pages, so others
> could get them from there.

I built them on a -current (CVS HEAD version of NetBSD sources) system,
so these binaries won't run on any currently release version of NetBSD.
Thus I doubt there is much request for these binaries...

> Also, what patches did you have to apply?  Should any come back to the
> sources?

It's only the common.sh patch you already committed to the repository
some days ago, a temporary hack needed because the TL installer doesn't
know about NetBSD (yet) and a pkgsrc patch to just execute dialog(1)
without searching for it (in texconfig and texconfig-dialog).

Maybe something like this texconfig dialog patch should be committed;
at least I don't see any reason why a system dialog(1) or whiptail(1)
should only be searched for on FreeBSD, Linux and Cygwin. See attached
diff. Hmm, but why are findDialogProg() and runDialog() defined in
texconfig at all? It seems that they are never used, and the functions
which should be changed are findDialog() and runDialog() from
texconfig-dialog... Am I missing something?

Regards, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~
-------------- next part --------------
--- texk/tetex/texconfig.orig	2007-01-16 01:33:36.000000000 +0100
+++ texk/tetex/texconfig	2007-06-21 14:39:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@
-  { u=`uname -s`; } 2>/dev/null
-  case "$u" in
-    FreeBSD|Linux|cygwin*|CYGWIN*)
-      test -f /usr/bin/whiptail && DIALOG_PROG=/usr/bin/whiptail
-      test -f /usr/bin/dialog && DIALOG_PROG=/usr/bin/dialog
-      test -f /bin/dialog && DIALOG_PROG=/bin/dialog
-      ;;
-  esac
+  for bin in whiptail dialog
+  do
+    binLoc=`checkForBinary $bin`
+    case $binLoc in
+      "") DIALOG_PROG="";;
+      *)  DIALOG_PROG=$binLoc; break;;
+    esac
+  done

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