[tex-live] dvipdfm fails to include .eps graphics file

George N. White III gnwiii at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 15:57:43 CEST 2007

On 6/11/07, Lianqing Yu <lianqing.yu at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  > 1.  does dvipdfm work if you use draft mode for graphics?
> > This shoudl give a pdf file with boxes outlining the places
> > where figures will appear.
>  Yes, dvipdfm works in draft mode.
> > 2.  can you convert the EPS to pdf using "eps2pdf ..."?
> > I think dvipdfm uses much the same conversion, so if this
> > fails, I would not exect dvipdfm to work.
>  It's not "eps2pdf.exe", but "epstopdf.exe", which can convert an EPS to an
> PDF. I tried "epstopdf" using the "golfer.eps" and converted "golfer.pdf"
> looks right in Adobe Reader 7.0.

You are right.  You can check the pdf version using Adobe Reader or
pdfinfo (which might be in texlive or can be obtained from "xpdf", which
is available for Win32).

> > 3.  what does "epstool --test-eps ..." give?
> > Many files that have .eps extensions do not meet the
> > definition of a .eps file, including some created using
> > "name-brand" software.   Most such files can be
> > converted to pdf and will work with pdflatex.
>  There is no "epstool.exe" under the TexLive 2003 install directory, so I
> can't do this test.

epstool is from ghostgum, so often gets installed with ghostscript.  In any


has a WIndows version

> > 4.  does dvipdfm work using a "known good" .eps file
> > such as golfer.eps from the ghostscript examples
> > directory?
> > If you are still having trouble after all this, please
> > read <www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html>.
> > Note that the best way for us to see the problem is if you
> > can provide a minimal example (e.g., under a dozen lines
> > of latex and using an eps file that we already have, such
> > as golfer.eps).  To save time, here is such an example:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > \documentclass{article}
> > \usepackage[dvipdfm]{graphicx}
> > \begin{document}
> > Example using \texttt{golfer.eps} from GhostScript.
> > \[
> > \includegraphics[width=8cm]{golfer.eps}
> > \]
> > \end{document}
> I tried your example and below is the output:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> D:\vision>latex t-eps
> This is e-TeXk, Version 3.141592-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)
>  %&-line parsing enabled.
>  (c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx)
> entering extended mode
> (./t-eps.tex
> LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
> Babel <v3.7j> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation,
> ba
> sque, czech, slovak, german, ngerman, spanish, catalan, french, ukenglish,
> ital
> ian, dutch, polish, portuguese, loaded.
> (c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls
> Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
> (c:/Program Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty)
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty)
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/texlive/graphics.cfg)
> (c:/Program
> Files/TeXLive/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvipdfm.def)))
> (./t-eps.aux)
> <golfer.eps> [1] (./t-eps.aux) )
> Output written on t-eps.dvi (1 page, 384 bytes).
> Transcript written on t-eps.log.
>  D:\vision>dvipdfm t-eps
>  t-eps.dvi -> t-eps.pdf
> [1Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map
> Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map

Configuration problem -- you should sort this out.

> (./golfer.eps<PS>
> Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.
> pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
>  Corrupt PDF file?
>  Ignoring stream with with multiple segments
> )
> pdf: image inclusion failed for (golfer.eps).
> ]
> 14284 bytes written
>  D:\vision>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  I opened "t-eps.dvi" in "windvi.exe" and it looks right. What's problem?

I should have mentioned that the early texlive 2003 was buggy, but that
many of the bugs were fixed in the version that was bundled with The
Latex Companion.

My recollection is that dvipdfmx converts the .eps files to .pdf.  It may be
that it is using a newer ghostscript for this and the default for the eps-->pdf
conversion tool has changed to 1.4 from 1.3.  There may be a configuration
option to fix it.  The log indicated that parts of the .pdf file were
ignored.  It may
look OK, but there could be problems in other viewers that acroread silently

It may easier to upgrade to TL2007 than to fix the problems with pdf 1.4
and the missing fonts.map file.  If you don't have the "TLC" update, then
you are almost surely better off upgrading to the current version.

George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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