[tex-live] (TeXLive2003) dvipdfm fails to include .eps graphics file

Lianqing Yu lianqing.yu at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 8 10:56:29 CEST 2007

Hi, I hope this is the right place I can get some help.
I use TeXLive 2003 on Windows XP. latex and dvips works fine but dvipdfm.exe fails to genereate a PDF file. 
Below is the error messages:
Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map][6Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.mapWarning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_bar.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_bar.eps).(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_bar.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_bar.eps).(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_singrating.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_singrating.eps).(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_singrating.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_singrating.eps).(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_RDS.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_mean_RDS.eps).(./figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_RDS.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/ResponseCurveStatistics_sd_RDS.eps).][7Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map][8][9Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map][10(./figures/VergenceImagePosRelation.eps<?>Error: /undefined in II*Operand stack:
Execution stack:   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--Dictionary stack:   --dict:1125/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:1/20(G)--   --dict:85/200(L)--Current allocation mode is localLast OS error: No such file or directoryAFPL Ghostscript 8.53: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/VergenceImagePosRelation.eps).][11(./figures/missingfigure.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/missingfigure.eps).][12][13Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map][14Warning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.mapWarning:  Couldn't open font map file fonts.map][15(./figures/PriorDistributionAbsDisp_cones.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/PriorDistributionAbsDisp_cones.eps).(./figures/PriorDistributionRelDisp_cones.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/PriorDistributionRelDisp_cones.eps).][16][17(./figures/LikelihoodDistribution_cones.eps<PS>Version of PDF file (1.4) is newer than version limit specification.pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-3] file
Corrupt PDF file?
Ignoring stream with with multiple segments)pdf: image inclusion failed for (figures/LikelihoodDistribution_cones.eps).][18(./figures/V2DisparityModel.eps<PS>Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)^C
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