[tex-live] Pscryrliic Fonts for TeXLive

Vladimir Volovich vvv at vsu.ru
Tue Aug 21 16:46:50 CEST 2007

"EB" == Edd Barrett writes:

 EB> There are 2 pdftex.map's on my system. There should be just one?


you pdftex is using
(as can be seen from the log you've posted)

but the updmap tool updates another file:

the problem could be fixed by either removing one of them, or
adjusting the search paths in texmf.cnf so that the texmf-var tree
will be searched first.

 EB> I am a little confused right now. Why is there 2 updmap.cfg's?

do you also have 2 updmap.cfg files?


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