[tex-live] svn vs. p4

gnwiii at gmail.com gnwiii at gmail.com
Sat May 20 16:48:23 CEST 2006

On 5/20/06, Staszek Wawrykiewicz <staw at gust.org.pl> wrote:

> Uff, I've just updated lm fonts (#1581). The whole commit took ~40min,
> not counting my preparation (I have no time nor experience to write
> scripts for what was added, deleted or only updated).

I assume the lm fonts update has .pfb files.  SVN's check for binary
that looks in first 1024 bytes might be confused by .pfb files.  Do
you need keyword substitutions in the pfb files?
This is mentioned in the FAQ, but I'm not entirely sure what is done
at commit time and
what is done at checkout time.

> I'm not so happy with svn, but ok, let's use it and start regular work.

Can you do some basic checks for network problems:

1) traceroute, etc.
2) try using numeric IP addresses and putting the IP and hostname in /etc/hosts
    to rule out DNS problems

When I view this thread with gmail, there are lots of "sponsored
links" offering
support for subversion.  This might indicate that configuring
subversion needs incantations known only to a few "experts", or just a
symptom of popularity among relatively clueless sites.  If any of the
people selling subversion support/incantations and spells are looking
to distinguish themselves from the pack, they could donate services to
make Staszek happy
in return for some mention in the documentation.

George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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