[tex-live] Proposal for collection reorganization

Frank Küster frank at kuesterei.ch
Wed Jun 7 10:40:22 CEST 2006

karl at freefriends.org (Karl Berry) wrote:

>         collection-chemistry => collection-science
> fine ... except do we care at all about a chemistry (or science)
> collection?  Would a user ever bother to install just that?  I find it
> hard to imagine.

Rarely; but I think there are lots of users who would explicitly *not*
install it.  Separating such things makes sense, too, doesn't it?

One more issue, though:  In english, "science" is pretty much a synonym
to "natural sciences".  In other languages, for example german and
(according to dict.leo.org) french, the corresponding term
(Wissenschaft/science) is also used for humanities, social sciences
etc.  Therefore, collection-science might be misleading for many
users.  Not that I could suggest a better word...

> 	move from latex-extra to publishers
>           IEEEconf aastex apa asaetr ascelike gatech-thesis imac jhep jpsj
>           muthesis nature osa ptptex sae siggraph tugboat uaclasses ucthesis
>           uiucthesis umich-thesis york-thesis
> also fine, except same question as above: would any user ever just
> install collection-publishers?  Again, I find it hard to imagine.  Do we
> need to bother making the distinction?

Again, many users will *not* install it.  For example me.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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