[tex-live] Proposal for collection reorganization

Taco Hoekwater taco at elvenkind.com
Tue Jun 6 09:41:51 CEST 2006

Frank Küster wrote:
> I don't understand that.  Why shouldn't it be possible to have two or
> more tpm files put ordinary files into the same directory in a TEXMF
> tree, and remove only their "own" files when they are removed?  Maybe
> I'm missing something specific to TeXLive, but generally I would say
> that this is exactly the point of "packaging".  At least if this is more
> than just zip'ing up things, and keeps a list of installed files around
> or in the installation program.
>>So we are at the same point for TL and other distribution,
> Linux distributions surely do *not* have that problem; we can just move
> supp-*.tex to a different deb/rpm than the other context files.

I hope you meant to say copy instead of move. Otherwise context users
would be forced to install latex to get a working system, basically
creating the same problem in reverse, but even worse (*every* context
user needs those files).

Cheers, taco

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