[tex-live] Installation Failure

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sat Dec 9 00:21:27 CET 2006

On 8 Dec 2006, at 10:29 pm, Paul Jones wrote:

> 2) It compiled it's own freetype2 even though I have the
> freetype2-devel package installed.  The error I saw was: configure:
> warning: ft2build.h not found. Using my own freetype2 sources.
> ft2build.h is in /usr/includes

This sounds like an issue for whoever maintains the texlive.spm  
you're using. The default TeX Live build *always* uses its own  
freetype2 (and various other libraries), regardless of -devel  
packages you may have; so the spec file you're using must be  
attempting to configure the build differently.

> 3) The build failed.  Below is the end of STDERR output.  I have a log
> or both STDERR and STDOUT if you would like to look at them.  Any idea
> why it failed?

Either it failed to build xetex, or something was missing or  
inconsistent about the initialization files/macros for the xetex- 
based formats. As suggested by the fmtutil error message, check for  
xetex.log and xelatex.log files in /usr/local/texlive/texmf-var/ 
web2c; they may indicate what is wrong.

(As you're trying to build from a snapshot of the development tree,  
it's entirely possible that something was in an inconsistent state at  
the point where you copied the files.)


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