[tex-live] Generating tex.fmt

Ken Brooks kenb at rpath.com
Thu Aug 3 21:15:03 CEST 2006

Well, thanks to several of you who have helped me thus far, I'm a lot 
closer to having a working tex world.  I slightly modified Build to 
invoke configure with --prefix=/usr.  texmf.cnf is being found, kpsewhich 
is reporting reasonable paths.  But when it comes time to generate 
tex.fmt, something is wrong.

On Thomas's advice, I set KPATHSEA_DEBUG=-1.  And then I ran "tex story". 
  And then I am lost in the output:  can't tell clearly which of the many 
lookups that failed really needed to succeed.  The output is attached, 
along with my (unmodified) texmf.cnf.  Would someone be willing to take a 
look and find the gem of truth in this mass of output?

The (generally very useful) kpathsea.info file says:
> The following file types can run an external program to create missing
> files: `pk', `tfm', `mf', `tex'; the scripts are named `mktexpk',
> `mktextfm', `mktexmf', and `mktextex'.
and makes no mention of mktexfmt or of generating .fmt files.  Nor does 
http://www.tug.org/texinfohtml/web2c.html.  Nevertheless, the debug 
output tells me that mktexfmt is being run.  And I can confirm that this 
script exists on my PATH.  But what does tex.fmt need to be made *from*? 
  I can't find any documentation on this.

Ken Brooks
rPath, Inc.

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