[tex-live] Velthuis Devanagari on TL

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Oct 18 18:59:34 CEST 2005

    Unfortunatelly it has changed. 

Yes, that is unfortunate.  Please just email me the new devnag.c right
away so I can get it in place for the TL binary builders, without
waiting for all the other files.

BTW, regarding the content-type for the iso's on the server, it's true
that the Apache defaults that we're using don't specify anything in
particular, but no one has reported a problem before.  Hmm.

    I can supply Windows executable.

That would be great, thanks.

    Simple unpacking to texmf-local might
    eventually cause problems,

Well, anything might cause problems.  The script which tries to replace
the package is just as likely to cause problems, seems to me.

Anyway, I applaud your effort to do it ...

    updmap will complain that there are two files dvng.map. 

I thought it should just take the one in texmf-local.

    it even isn't in teTeX.

Miktex is much much bigger than teTeX.


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