[tex-live] TeX Live 2004 distribution

Anita Z. Schwartz anita at udel.edu
Wed Mar 30 20:56:39 CEST 2005

We have come across a problem with the most recent distribution of TeX 
Live on Solaris.  It appears that the utility programs such as texinfo, 
etc. have been compiled without the -R option or I am guessing in 
previous distribution this was statically bound rather than dynamic. As 
a result it won't work just installed as is.  Minimally you need to set 
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the specific version of the library for gcc and 
you can't even point to a newer version if you have that installed 
rather than the older version it appears to require.  Can someone please 
provide specific documentation on how it is intended to work?  I know 
that we can probably work around this by making symbolic links and/or 
having users set their LD_LIBRARY_PATH if they have and know the correct 



Anita Z. Schwartz             University of Delaware
IT / User Services            036 Smith Hall

anita at udel.edu                (302) 831-1979

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