[tex-live] texmf backwrad compatibility -- a proposal

Olaf Weber olaf at infovore.xs4all.nl
Thu May 27 21:36:53 CEST 2004

Today there was an NTG meeting, and among the things informally
discussed was the impact of the changes to the texmf tree on users.
Based on these discussions, we'd like to propose the following

- TeX-live gets tested with the new layout, and no backward
  compatibility in place.  This was we can be certain the new layout

- Before release we add backward compatility (at least as paths to
  texmf.cnf are concerned -- code changes may be another matter).
  This will impose the least amount of grief on the users.

Why do it like this?  If things work out, _next_ year we'll have the
new kpse library to cope with, which _will_ impose changes in config
anyway.  This would be a good excuse to make a break with past, not
just for encodings and map files, but whereever we deem this to be
desirable.  With the proposed schedule, we only impose this kind of
pain once.


Olaf Weber

               (This space left blank for technical reasons.)

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