[tex-live] vptovf bug on Solaris platform

Vladimir Volovich vvv at vsu.ru
Sat Jul 31 14:51:55 CEST 2004

"JH" == John Hebron writes:

 JH> Hi TUG, I'd like to report a bug with the Solaris version of
 JH> vptovf.  (TeXLive 2003) When running vptovf on a vpl file, it
 JH> makes the tfm file okay, but only gets part way through making
 JH> the vf file, and then reports:

 JH> vptovf: fatal: putbyte(255) failed.

 JH> We are running Solaris 8 on sparc.

 JH> (We also tried the Linux version of vptovf [TeXLive 2003], and it
 JH> worked okay.  The problem seems to be restricted to the Solaris
 JH> version.)

This is a long known bug - see http://www.tug.org/texlive/bugs.html


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