[tex-live] binaries, pool and texinfo

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Thu Jul 22 20:06:07 CEST 2004

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Thomas Esser wrote:

> As suggested by Karl, I have added this script (to teTeX). What you see
> in bin is just a symlink for the perl-wrapper. The actual perl-script
> has to be installed into the texmf tree
>   CTAN:support/pdfcrop/pdfcrop.pl -> texmf-dist/scripts/pdfcrop/pdfcrop.pl

Thanks for pointing that. As for TL we have all binary related stuff
gathered in texmf/ as well as texmf/tpm/bin-*.tpm files, it would be 

(exacly like pkfix etc.). Sebastian, am I right?

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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