[tex-live] texmf -> texmf-dist

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Feb 10 17:28:06 CET 2004

Vladimir Volovich wrote:
> P4 is an ugly and inconvenient system (even) compared to CVS.
> Such trivial and common things like the above are really burdensome in
> P4.
> I wonder why you've chosen to use P4 but not CVS in the first place...

like I said, Perforce is not CVS. It has different strengths 
and weaknesses.

We just switched at work from Perforce to Subversion (which 
is supposed to be CVS done better), and wow! as it been a 
pain in the neck. It's only because Subversion is free and 
open source that we are doing it

Why do we use Perforce for TL? because its the one I 
understand. as simple as that. if someone else had been 
running TL at the time, they might have chosen CVS, or 
sourcesafe, or whatever.
Sebastian Rahtz      Information Manager
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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