[tex-live] tldoc near finish

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Sep 24 12:21:11 CEST 2003

    can you mail that to me, because I got error reports and want to make 
    the final German doc version till this evening. 

Sure, coming.

    please led the cron job running, if somebody else want to add to tldoc
    by last minute. Btw, no harm is done by letting it run, or?

Ok, I'll let it run tonight at least, since you're still fixing.

    Is there a difference in cron job build images to hand built ones?

There is no difference technically.  Psychologically, though, I don't
want to let it keep running when we are done.  That just invites
disaster, some seemingly-minor checkin messing things up.  If we're
done, we're done.  We can test against something that is not planned to
change again, Manfred can build the final images, etc.

Also, it would be ideal for Patrick and Boris to have exactly the same
image that we distribute.  Patrick, at least, cannot wait five more days.


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