[tex-live] Problems with windvi

Athanasios BATAKIS Athanasios.Batakis at labomath.univ-orleans.fr
Thu Mar 27 11:57:29 CET 2003

Dear Sir, Madame

Using TeX Live 7 under  windows XP, I recently started having problems with
windvi.exe. The program refuses printing command and shuts down regularly.
The same behaviour when a ps file in incorporated in the TeX file (although
in that case, it depends on the file).

If you have any idea on the origin of the problem (or, better, a solution) I
would be grateful if you pointed it out to me.
Thanking you in advance,

Sincerely Yours
A. Batakis


Athanasios BATAKIS
Maître de Conférences
B.P. 6759
F-45067 Orléans cédex 2
Tél. : (+33)
fax  : (+33)


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