[tex-live] AIX binaries (Web2C 7.3.7x)

Vladimir Volovich vvv@vsu.ru
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 19:56:27 +0300

"WK" == Wolfgang Kaspar writes:

 WK> Are there "aix-7.3.7x-binaries" meanwhile?

 VV> I was making AIX binaries for TL7, and can remake them if needed.
 VV> Shall i use source or source.development for build?

 >> the AIX binaries which are currently in perforce Master tree are
 >> based on Web2C 7.3.7x.

 WK> These are exactly the binaries I'm searching for.  Where can I
 WK> get them (ftp, http...)?

AFAICT, they are available at
