[tex-live] thumbpdf/No such signal: SIGHUP

Heiko Oberdiek oberdiek@ruf.uni-freiburg.de
Sun, 26 May 2002 03:45:23 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sun, 26 May 2002, Fabrice Popineau wrote:

> * Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek@ruf.uni-freiburg.de> writes:
> > Hello Fabrice, if I run thumbpdf under Windows98 and TeX Live 7 of
> > 2002/05/20, then I get the warning: No such signal: SIGHUP ...
> -$SIG{'HUP'}   = \&cleanup;
> +$SIG{'HUP'}   = \&cleanup if ($^O !~ /msWin32/i);

I have updated thumbpdf to version 3.1 and put it
into the /incoming directory of ftp.dante.de.

* I am using now "unless $^O =~ /win/i". So the cygwin
  port is machted, too. (I know nothing about the
  availability of SIGHUP in cygwin or Windows NT/2000.

* Version 3.1 does contain some other bug fixes, so
  it should replace 3.0 at any case.

> - gswin32c.exe is not on the user's PATH. Should I clobber the user's
> PATH with this, given the fact that gsdll32.dll (hence gswin32c.exe)
> can be found using the registry ?

Perhaps a wrapper in TeXLive's bin/win32 directory:
* If gswin32c.exe is in the PATH before TeXLive's
  bin directory, so Ghostscript's gswin32c is found
  and used.
* If gswin32c.exe is in the PATH after TeXLive's
  bin directory, the wrapper should search the
  PATH for gswin32c.exe and call the first found
  gswin32c, excluding itself.
* If Ghostscript's gswin32c.exe is not found in the PATH,
  then the registry can be asked for the location of

Yours sincerely
  Heiko <oberdiek@uni-freiburg.de>