[tex-live] A plea for shared libraries of libkpathsea

Norbert Preining preining@logic.at
Tue, 21 May 2002 11:47:16 +0200

On Die, 21 Mai 2002, Vladimir Volovich wrote:
> does this ctangle/cweave package come with debuan, or from TeX Live?
> if it comes with debian, then they must provide the libkpathsea.so.3
> library, but not TeX Live!

Yes, no, yes, yes ;-)

Yes this is a debian package.
No it is not from TeXlive (is ctangle/cweave in TeXlive, didn't see it)
Yes they provide libkpathsea.so.3
Yes it is not TeX live.

I deleted all stuff concerning kpathsea.so which is not a good idea
as I see now. I thought I use the texlive stuff everywhere, but alas,
this doesn't work ;-)

Best wishes


Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>     University of Technology Vienna
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A form of particularly long sparse sideburns which are part of the
mandatory uniform of British Rail guards.

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