[tex-live] a few problems

Lars Madsen daleif@imf.au.dk
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 16:24:29 +0100 (MET)

I've been writing a small installation guide for the TeXLive 6 CD (for

and I have a few comments.

1) When choosing packages the total number og disk space needed is wrong.
If you choose all packages then it will tell you that you need > 1Gb og
harddisk avaliable, but it only installs about 350 Mb.

2) has to do with NT Emacs (didn't know where to write now you'll recieve

2a) The setup of NT Emacs asumes that we're using gnuserv, which is not on
the CD and since I don't have an internet connection I can't get it on the
internet. But it works fine without it. I just think that it isn't a very
good idea asume that people have this installed in the first place.

The problem then comes with the short-cuts in the Start -> Programs -> GNU
Emacs and Start -> Programs -> TeXLive -> NTEmacs

they don;t point the right way

2b) The standard setup of NTEmacs also asumes the gnuserv is installed,
this causes NTEmacs to fail loading the _emacs (or .emacs) file, problem
solved by outcommenting the two gnuserv lines in
../TeXLive/NTEmacs/site-lisp/site-start.el and byte-compile that file.

But it anoyes me that inexperinced users should go through these steps to
get everything to work in the right way. It might scary new users away

F2.10 - Institut for Matematiske Fag, Matematisk Afdeling
Århus Universitet