[tex-live] big packages

Karl Berry karl@freefriends.org
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 08:41:01 -0500

    you may be interested in this list of package sizes. it shows
    all the packages which eat more than 2 mbytes of space. any
    obvious candidates for the chop? Malvern is out, for a start.

How much has to be removed to fit on one cd?  Since there seems to be no
alternative, unless someone steps up to hack the scripts.

cm-super, cjk.  Sure, they're useful to some people, but if we have to
cut something, might as well start with the biggest.

What's adobeother and cmpk?

Ispell?  Does ispell really need to be on the tex live cd?  It's not
exactly a tex thing.

Polish-doc probably has a high size-to-users ratio.