[tex-live] TeXLive 7 with cygwin
Jeremy Gibbons
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 12:58:46 +0100 (BST)
> > I'm using the TeXLive binaries from a cygwin shell. Presumably I am
> > not suffering from cygwin's stat() when I do so? (I hope!)
> If you are certain to use TeXLive .exe files, that's ok. There is a
> remaining issue : I wonder how texlive win32 binaries will handle the
> strange way cygwin has (or had ?) to specify paths with drives.
Still is strange, but I make it not an issue by keeping all
my personal files in "My Documents" anyway. It is easier to
make that my cygwin home directory than to make all windows
apps hunt around in an odd cygwin location.
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