[tex-live] TeXLive 7 with cygwin
Jeremy Gibbons
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 09:42:25 +0100 (BST)
Bonjour, Fabrice.
> Probably because one of them was in binary mode while the other one
> was in text mode.
> The problem of working with the texmf/ tree is
> that you can't upgrade easily. Any modification will be lost in the
> future.
Even if you put things in texmf-local?
> - complex to administrate (path, quoting, drives), not Windows
> oriented and very unfriendly to Windows users
THat's true, but it is also somewhat intentional, I guess:
it is designed to be friendly to unix users, hence
necessarily will be unfriendly to windows users.
> - much more weird, it tries to emulate Unix calls, but sometimes at
> the price of slowness; it is the case especially for the stat() call,
> which is heavily used by kpathsea.
> This latter reason alone would refrain me to use cygwin and make me
> prefer to switch to some native version of the programs.
I'm using the TeXLive binaries from a cygwin
shell. Presumably I am not suffering from cygwin's stat()
when I do so? (I hope!)
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