[tex-live] TL 0206 notes
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 03:54:14 +0100 (MET)
Short notes on TL6 20010206:
1. jadetex and xmltex formats warnings:
WARNING: Elsevier font setup not found
WARNING: mmasym package not loaded. some symbols will fail
2. /Master directory on CD? Why?
3. It is good time to change strings TeX Live 5 to TeX Live 6 (also
in texsetup.exe)
4. Win32
we have now 2 versions: TeXSetup and TeXSetup1.0.7, however
autorun.inf points to TeXSetup --net-download
At the start we have:
I was given --net-download option so I will try
to establish the Internet connection
The user has only *one* choice: `OK' (somehow frustrating, when
installing from the TL CD). Fabrice, would you please consider
adding another button(s): `Install only from CD/HD'.
It will be OK for both TL CD and fptex downloaded from CTAN. Or, better,
do not start with --net-download by default, and let this option
in the dialog box.
5. As I've already asked, what to do when installing first the basic stuff
and then adding, e.g., pdftex, etex or omega? As we have in .tpm files,
only macros and supplementary files are installed, without binaries
and pools... On Windows, the user perhaps has to select also win32
package, so we can add such hint to the docs. On Unix systems it is
more complicated. Well, this should be left for future thoughts...
6. I received some questions concerning Linux and TL. Briefly:
- in many cases BLU has already installed TeX from Linux distribution
(BLU didn't hear before about TeX, so the system is not configured)
- one beautiful day BLU wants to install TL to start his adventure
with TeX. BLU often doesn't even know how to change PATH (he just
switched from Windows to Linux ;-), so running `latex file'
crashed with some mess of messages. Naive? Not so much, when
we consider many young people, injured by Windows. My mailbox
is quite full...
Some conclusions for now:
- install-cd.sh can provide simple check and message like:
You have already TeX installed in /usr/bin/ (binaries) and
/usr/share/texmf/ (TeX concerned macros, fonts, etc.)
... [some more info?]
- <O> options ->
<L> create symlinks in standard directories
should point (by default) to the most common /usr/bin
(rather then to /usr/local/bin which is hardly usable for the admin
during setup)
- changing PATH variable after installation should be stressed in
the documentation and during install script run.
7. The most important information what it is really installed should be
reconsidered. At the moment I think about the idea of providing
simple .html file which lists packages by levels, categories, etc.
(with short, available descriptions; many of them are unfortuntly
8. As we talk about .tpm descriptions, many of them are inapropriate
for TL (fpTeX) when just borrowed from Catalogue: see texlive.tpm,
tetex.tpm, etc.
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
email: staw@gust.org.pl